Media Pack

Joki Vape Media Pack

Thank you for your interest in Joki Vape, the leading online magazine dedicated to the vaping community. This media pack provides detailed information about our platform, audience demographics, advertising options, and pricing to help you make an informed decision about partnering with us.

About Joki Vape:

Joki Vape is a comprehensive online magazine that caters to vaping enthusiasts, beginners, and industry professionals alike. Our platform offers a wide range of engaging content, including informative articles, product reviews, vaping guides, industry news, and community forums. With a focus on accuracy, authenticity, and a supportive community, Joki Vape has become a trusted source for vaping information and recommendations.

Audience Demographics:

Our readership consists of a diverse and engaged audience of vaping enthusiasts. Here are some key statistics about our audience:

  1. Geographic Reach: We have a global readership, with a significant presence in North America, Europe, and Asia.
  2. Age Range: Our audience primarily falls within the age range of 18-45, with the majority being between 25-34 years old.
  3. Gender Distribution: Our readership is predominantly male, with a growing number of female vapers joining the community.
  4. Vaping Experience: We cater to both beginners and experienced vapers, providing content that suits various levels of expertise.

Advertising Options:

We offer a range of advertising options to suit your marketing objectives and budget. Here are the main options available:

  1. Display Ads: Prominently place your brand in front of our readers through strategically positioned display ads on our website. Multiple ad sizes and placements are available to maximize your brand visibility.
  2. Sponsored Content: Engage our readers through sponsored articles, product reviews, or informative pieces that align with our content guidelines. Our experienced writers can craft compelling content that highlights the unique aspects of your brand.
  3. Giveaways and Contests: Generate excitement around your brand by sponsoring giveaways or contests on our platform. This interactive approach encourages reader participation and allows you to showcase your products to our audience.
  4. Newsletter Sponsorship: Feature your brand in our regular newsletters and reach our subscribers directly. Our newsletters offer a valuable opportunity to deliver your message directly to the inboxes of our engaged readers.

Customized Advertising Solutions:

We understand that each brand has unique advertising goals and requirements. Our team is dedicated to working closely with you to develop tailored advertising solutions that meet your specific needs. We are open to discussing creative ideas and collaborations to ensure your brand stands out and achieves maximum exposure.


For detailed pricing information and to discuss available packages, please contact our advertising team at [email protected] We will be delighted to provide you with our rate card and work with you to create an effective advertising campaign that suits your budget.

Download the Media Pack:

To access our complete media pack, which includes additional information about our platform, audience engagement, and advertising specifications, please visit [link to media pack download page].

Partner with Joki Vape:

Partnering with Joki Vape means connecting with a dedicated community of vaping enthusiasts, expanding your brand’s reach, and increasing your visibility in the vaping industry. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your advertising goals.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries or to discuss advertising opportunities, please reach out to our advertising team at [email protected] We are here to assist you and provide further information to help you make an informed decision about advertising with Joki Vape.

We appreciate your interest in Joki Vape and look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your brand.

Happy vaping!

The Joki Vape Advertising Team